Sunday, November 18, 2007

A pin-hole camera of our own...

Well I'm back.

A lot has happened since I last wrote, things which though sometimes painful, have been instrumental in my continued spiritual growth.

Sometimes, even after being reminded over and over again that "yes, these really are experiences necessary for our essential selves to move forward in life," IT IS really hard to see the lessons we have chosen to learn here, now, in this life, when life has seemingly blindsided us.

But without these 'negative' moments how could we see the beauty in our world? In our lives? How would we know in our hearts the gratitude engendered in us by a kind word or a friendly smile or a gesture of a door held open for us, not because our arms are full but just...because?

And when the darkness is chipped at, the same way water wears a hole in stone, the hardened crust of anger and fear of pain and suffering, of indifference and apathy will be pierced by a ray of light.

The hole may be small, yet like a pin-hole camera, that tiny ray of light can engrave upon our heart and soul a new picture. And it is up to us to choose to look at that picture and find the good and the beautiful rather than the dark and hopeless.

Personally I choose to see beauty and in seeing the beauty and reasons for gratitude I choose to share it with the world one smile at a time. One kind word at a time. By holding one door at a time open, be it a physical or a spiritual door, to honor the heart and soul of each and every person who is valuable in and of themselves.

The choice IS ours, we choose to create our world, we choose to 'see the light' and make a change. An internal, spiritual change first which, with 'hard work' will eventually overflow this vessel of our flesh and we will handing out rays of light and life wherever and whenever we go.

The question then is this: What kind of world will you choose to create today?